Ufresh Cold Storage (USHD) brand is a service arm of Ugur Integrated Food Company, the last affiliate of Ugur Group of Companies, which started business in 1954, has national leadership in the sectors it has invested, and succeeded in creating brands that have a say in the world.

With the assurance of approximately 60 years of experience in safe food storage of Ugur Cooling, one of the group companies, Ufresh Cold Storage Depots have 11 units of cold room volume of 3.800 m3 at (-40 ° C), (-18 ° C), and (0 ° C) degrees. serve in the cold room.

Our shocking and storage warehouses have a total area of ​​1,435 square meters and consist of 11 separate warehouses.

Of the 11 cold storage depots, 2 (-40 ° C) degree shock storage, 1 (-18 ° C) degree storage, 8 of them have the feature of storing at (0 ° C).

It can be rented based on room and weight in our cold storage depots using the latest technology. In our facility, product cleaning and packaging system service can be done with hygienic and professional facilities.

All kinds of fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products, deep-frozen products can be stored in Ufresh Cold Storage Depots.

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